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Vertical Lift Models or VLMs are vertical storage systems. VLMs save space, increase productivity and efficiency, improve safety, and improve accuracy & inventory management. Therefore, having a vertical storage system frees up alot of space on the floor and can aide overall productivity.

Out with the Old, In with the New

Old shelving and rack systems are outdated and slow productivity. With items being lost in the shelves or easy to misplace. These old systems also take up space that you can otherwise utilize for more production.

There are many reasons why VLMs are better than your current shelving system. Some of these reasons include: safety, productivity, organization, and more space.


VLMs are much safer than current shelving systems, so you can easily store many things such as combat and tactical equipment. You would no longer have to use ladders to reach items on higher shelves, potentially endangering employees. With VLMs you no longer need ladders or lifts.

Productivity & Organization

VLMs increase productivity and organization. Now that you can store inventory in one place and organize the system to your liking. Organizing the system in a manner to where smaller combat and tactical gear will not be lost in a sea of items. Also, employees can quickly find the item they are looking for, instead of looking around multiple shelves.


Although you are storing the same amount of items, the floor space that you occupy will decrease. Also, with the system being vertical, it is able to hold much more invenetory in a much smaller amount of space.


BSC is a leader in high-density storage solutions, and we work with all the industry’s best manufacturers to bring you the most current and useful technologies and systems. Contact us today to discuss high-density shelving and storage options in more detail, or to request a quote if you’ve got a specific project in mind.