Law Enforcement Storage BSC Birmingham Huntsville Mobile Montgomery Alabama
Business Systems and Consultants offers multiple storage solutions for many industries. One industry in particular is law enforcement. There are many things to consider when storing products for a law enforcement department. Evidence, guns, gear, and other things need proper storage so they don’t get destroyed by accident. Law enforcement storage is crucial for any departments; let’s talk about some of the major storage solutions.
Tactical Police Lockers for Law Enforcement Storage Solutions
Made of welded steel, our tactical police lockers are resistant, functional and serve multiple purposes. Our standard police lockers have two doors, but it is also available with a single door, according to the required width. This type of locker is only custom made in order to better meet the very specific needs and requirements of the police force. The layout possibilities are unlimited and specially-adapted accessories are here to serve you.
All of the lockers have a wide range of uniform and clothing storage applications for SWAT, police, sheriff, first responders, fire fighters, university police and more. Also, our police lockers are ventilated to help keep clothes and stored items fresh. They also lock to keep items safe and secure.
Weapons Storage: Law Enforcement Storage
Perhaps the only thing more important than your weapon, is a safe, reliable and totally secure place to store it!
Our weapon storage cabinets and lockers are all professional grade, made of high quality steel — designed and manufactured for durability and efficiency. These systems can store ammunition as well.
Universal weapon storage cabinets store rifles, shotguns, handguns or personal defense weapons vertically or horizontally. Components are secured inside our all-steel bi-parting tambour doors and can be configured in any manner.
Our storage cabinets and racks answer the need for flexible small arms storage. House your weapons vertically or horizontally with attached accessories such as scopes and grenade launchers. The racks come with optional meshed security gates.
Evidence Lockers
Our individual evidence lockers have compartment doors and frames that are constructed of heavy 16 gauge formed steel. We also use 16 gauge piano hinges for each unit and they are secured with keyless front entry latches or master keyed snap locks.
The officer simply opens the evidence locker compartment and puts in the evidence with the proper documentation, closes the door and operates the latching system. The evidence technician then uses the key to open the locker and collect the necessary evidence. The latch on the evidence storage unit is then reset to be used again.
We supply evidence lockers in many standard sizes, or we can match the configurations of other evidence lockers to suit your needs. Contact BSC today to discuss our available sizes, tracking systems, and electronic locking mechanism options and to explore the various types of construction for your police evidence storage.
Law Enforcement & Police Storage
Chain of custody must be maintained and items must be stored securely, tracked and protected. Agencies must also contend with a lack of uniformity, storing everything from small jewelry to lrage drug seizures. The ISDA offers a range of solutions to meet these unique requirements, including weapons storage racks, law enforcement lockers & cabinets and automated storage systems, as well as a range of evidence storage solutions.
We are experts in public safety storage systems and solutions. We are here to show you how to save space, increase accuracy, and reduce the time you are spending reconciling your inventory.
Security and Storage Enclosures
To properly secure and protect the sensitive or dangerous items, SpaceGuard Products’ security and storage enclosures can be designed without sweep space beneath the panels. Likewise, heavy-duty magnetic locks and electronic strikes are available for making doors secure from those without proper permission.
The design is simple. Panels are stacked between 2” square tube posts allowing for applications that retain their structural stability regardless of height. With a structure that is as versatile as it is durable, SG2000 is ideal for robotic enclosures, machine guarding, DEA and pharmaceutical enclosures, data center computer security cages, evidence storage, temporary holding cells, and a host of military applications.
Have a lot of overhead obstructions? Consider using welded wire mesh as it allows for easy cut-outs done in the field around existing pipes, beams, and other barriers, while maintaining its structural integrity.
The SG2000 design allows for trapezoidal and irregular shaped panels to match rooflines and other obstacles. If you need a modular, stackable system with the ability to work beyond a traditional wire partition system, you need SG2000 wire partitions.
Temporary Holding Cells for Law Enforcement Storage
BSC specializes in everything from custom lock boxes to tamper-proof hardware. SpaceGuard offers various temporary holding cell options to prevent any unauthorized access. Ceilings are available for situations where the enclosures do not fit flush with the existing overhead structure.
A variety of mesh options are available, including: 6ga welded wire, 10ga woven or welded wire, as well as expanded metal. Like all of the wire partitions, the temporary holding cells are modular so the cages can be removed or modified when necessary. Posts come with concrete wedge anchors for attaching to the floor.
Contact us to learn more about our law enforcement storage and sign up to get a free assessment today.